Mr. Lok Maan Singh Karki is the Chief Commissioner of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), Nepal. According to the provision of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007, he has been appointed by the President in the recommendation of the Constitutional Council. Mr. Karki took office on May 8, 2013 for the tenure of six years.
The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority is an independent, apex constitutional body to curb corruption. The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 has empowered CIAA to investigate and probe cases against the persons holding any public office and their associates who are indulged in the abuse of authority by way of corruption or improper conduct.
CIAA is a unique anti-corruption agency in the South-Asian Region which plays the role of an ombudsman, investigator and prosecutor as well. On the one hand, it focuses on detection and punishment of corrupt acts; and implements a number of measures for social, cultural and institutional transformation on the other. The Commission follows promotional, preventive and punitive measures while performing its duties and responsibilities.
As the Chief Commissioner, Mr. Karki is dedicated to perform his constitutional responsibilities diligently. Besides, he has pioneered a clear vision that “corruption free society should be everyone’s right.” His priority focuses to march an anti-corruption movement and to establish a society free of corruption where good governance prevails and democratic values are respected. Furthermore, Mr. Karki stresses that human rights, rule of law and fundamental services for human development are inseparable elements of citizens’ life. He always respects people’s sovereignty, democracy, social justice and equitable development. His primacies have become to empower and provide voice to the deprived and most vulnerable people. Moreover, he has been motivated by the drives of reinforcing and magnifying the efforts against corruption through institutional capacity building and sustainable strategic moves.
“I am absorbed in building a society free of corruption”, he has said, “And serve my country to recuperate and rebuild by wiping out all form of threats of corruption. He further adds that his perseverance to contribute in nation building and its prosperity is the core reason behind pursuing a career in public service. As the Chief Commissioner, he is resolute to see the Commission delivering palpable and significant impact that advances human rights, good governance and equitable development.
Mr. Karki perceived well and is inspired by the saying of William Shakespeare -“Serpent is poisonous just like corruption. Poision decays the body, Corruption decays the government.” Mr. Karki is enthused to wipe out this poison from the society.
Combatting Corruption in a multi-pronged way
Mr. Karki is self-convinced that abuse of authority is an absolute crime and betrayal to the responsibilities that one holds; no matter who does it or in which scale it is committed. In the light of this notion, CIAA has effectively been taking action against the irregularities that have been detected in education, health, local development, social security and other concerned areas. Besides, Mr. Karki is as much determined in the fact that no people should be deprived from the core service provisions that the state supposes to provide indiscriminately. Therefore, his insightful initiation for maintaining rule of law and making public service provisioning effective are as much appreciating that they will reap good result in public lives. Moreover, CIAA has initiated action against the indecisiveness and inconclusiveness of public officials so as to break the tendency of bureaucratic buck-passing and rent-seeking.
After his appointment, total number of complaints lodged has increased to about twenty three thousands which is more than two times than the previous year, and disposal rate has also amplified by two fold, with 248prosecutions and more than Rs. 2.3 billion fine imposed. It signifies that the public trust towards the Commission has significantly increased and the Commission has been appreciated to make concrete efforts against the threat of corruption. The efforts and actions of CIAA have considerably increased the number of tax payers’ deterred VAT evaders. On his initiation, a significant number of new tax payers have been registered in VAT system and about 6 billion rupees have been repaid by the tax evaders.
Protecting rights of the people
Mr. Karki has envisioned for bringing some noticeable transformations in some key areas of concerns of the public like education, health, utility services, social security system etc. Action against the “GHOST SCHOOLS”, under his initiation have preserved the right of children for schooling and also prevented the government resources being misused. In this mission the total of 737 ghost schools were investigated resulting in protection of right to education of thousands of children. This has also resulted to save billions of rupees from being misused which would be allocated to these schools annually; and has deterrent effect in criminality seen in the education sector.
The flow of Nepalese workers to foreign countries in hope of a better life has not only triggered active population from country being evacuated but their compulsion has been more intensified when they realize that they have been cheated within the country and abroad as well. Mr. Karki’s efforts to control illegal sending of migrant workers has directly protected the future of uncountable aspiring youths and has spread awareness to incalculable youths desiring to work in a foreign country.
Moreover, Mr. Karki is more vocal for easy and equitable access of fundamental quality health service for citizens. In this regard, he is more stressful for effective delivery and distribution of medicines that are supposed to be provided free of cost to people. Action was taken against the officials involved in providing low quality of medicine to pregnant women namely MISOPROSTOL and the like that are distributed in rural areas. This initiation has assured of controlling such tendency being repeated in future; and will ultimately contribute to protect right of reproductive health of thousands of rural Nepalese women. Along with these issues, social security of the vulnerable people has also been protected by monitoring and ensuring that the social security fund is properly distributed and prevented from being embezzled.
Generating awareness
Under his instigation, the Commission is now working in collaboration with non-governmental organizations like Transparency International, Maiti Nepal and so on, which are keenly involved in protecting human rights, controlling human trafficking and working for social transformation. The Chief Commissioner believes that “the youths are the change agent of this country. He perceives that the march against corruption will be much stronger and sustainable if we can aware educate, empower and support the youths of the country. He realized that the intervention against corruption is a collaborative task. Thus, interaction programmes with school children and concerned stakeholders are being held regularly where he personally interacts with and aware them about the adversities of corruption. The Chief Commissioner meets the public once a month to hear their problems and to receive creative feedbacks for further improvement.
Strengthening the institution
Being the Chief of an apex constitutional body for corruption control, he has tried to introduce both system-based and rights-based strategies to combat corruption. It is his vision that has paved a new direction in the working mechanism of the Commission. He believes that “No any protection of human rights can be adhered to where corruption as an established procedure hinders with the people’s tussle to apprehend their right to security, dignity and development.”Along with it, Mr. Karki has aimed of making the Commission more transparent, effective and efficient while performing its tasks and dealing with the complaints.
The Commission’s structural outreach has currently been extended to the Regional Offices and Liaison Offices under Mr. Karki’s guidance. This has facilitated citizens’ access to the Commission as well as maintaining quality of services at local level. The Chief Commissioner assures himself that this will strengthen the ties and collaboration between the Commission and the citizen for jointly march for curbing corruption in the sub national level.
Some noticeable sign of improvements have been realized in the Commission due to the materialization of his vision. The budget allocated to the Commission has been increased to almost six fold than the previous fiscal year. Likewise, the human resources of the Commission have also been increased about five times than the previous year. These are some of the indications that the operational modality of the Commission has remarkably been changed not only in terms of quantitative aspect but also its efficiency and effectiveness.
Collaboration and Partnership
Mr. Karki has been actively participating in various bilateral and multilateral meetings to strengthen the mutual relation of CIAA with various anti-corruption agencies; and to extend and solidify the partnership for anti-corruption movement. His visit to People’s Republic of China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia and so on are few examples for extending mutual relations and identifying the possible areas of collaboration. His meetings and interactions with the responsible officials of anti-corruption agencies of many countries have facilitated to exchange innovative ideas for combating corruption. Mr. Karki is convinced that global solidarity and mutual cooperation are integral for combating global corruption.
Mr. Karki, son of Late General Bhupal Man Singh Karki and Late Durga Kumari Karki, was born in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 5, 1956. He received a Master’s degree in Economics and Social Studies (1989) specializing in Development Administration and Post Graduate Diploma (1988) in Development Administration from the Victoria University, Manchester, UK. He has also received Master’s Degree in Economics (1981) with merit from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Mr. Karki is a retired Nepalese civil service officer. He joined in the civil service in 1984 as an Under-Secretary of the State Council and served till April 2009 in different capacities ranging from Under Secretary to Chief Secretary. In his 24 years of civil service career, he established himself as an honest, hardworking and professional bureaucrat exemplifying these virtues while serving in the various capacities in different organizations.
He was the Chief Secretary of Government of Nepal from April 2006 to April 2009. Before it, he served as the Secretary of Government of Nepal from April 2001 to April 2006. As the Secretary he worked at the Ministry of Information and Communications, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Population and Environment and Ministry of Water Resources as well.
He was a Joint Secretary of the Government of Nepal from August 1993 to April 2001 when he served in the Ministry of Finance in different capacities. He worked as a convener and Chief of the Revenue Advisory Committee and Central Monitoring Unit in the Ministry of Finance. He also held the position of Director General of the Department of Customs. He was the first Director General of the Department of Revenue Investigation. He worked as an Under Secretary from August 1984 to August 1993 in various capacities.
He has a wide range of knowledge and expertise in the field of national and international financial management, administration and governance. His wide-ranging exposure and coordination with national and international agencies supplemented to the sound financial management and effective administration system in the country. His active initiation steered management of resources in such a way to identify potential areas of revenue and augmentation of it; so as to contribute in the national treasury.
He presided as the Chairperson of the Human Rights Implementation and Working Committee and also executed responsibilities as the Chief of the Peace, Reconciliation and Reconstruction Committee leading to address on critical contemporary issues of conflict in the country.
He has the experience of being affiliated with more than three dozen different Commissions, Councils, Boards and Committees during his tenure in Nepalese civil service. He has also the experience of being participated as the head of delegation on behalf of Nepal in more than three dozen different seminars, conferences and study tours held in different countries.
He is the Vice President of Bhupal Man Sing Karki Academy which was established by his father; and is the first and the largest trust in private sector. The trust decorates distinguished personalities in thirteen different areas of public concerns who are supposed to be remarkably contributory. He is also the patron of Nepal Karate Association which comprises more than one million youth members.
The Chief Commissioner speaks Nepali, English, Hindi, Bhojpuri and Maithili languages. He and his wife, Mrs. Sunita Karki, have one son and two daughters. Mrs. Karki, his supportive wife, is a poetic figure who likes to bring the pains of deprived and voiceless ones into light through her heart-touching poems and other literary deeds.
His vision of making public administration of the country pro-people, accountable, transparent, inclusive and participatory led to the enactment of Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act, 2064 in his tenure as the Chief Secretary of Government of Nepal.
  • He played a crucial role in overseeing the ratification and implementation of Kyoto Protocol for sustainable use of resources, to limit and to reduce the emission of gases that contribute to greenhouse gas inventory in the atmosphere. Apprehending that it is important for Nepal to adopt environment-friendly energy options based on local resources like hydropower and biomass, he insisted on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol so that Nepal can benefit from the provisions of clean development mechanism (CDM).
  • It was during his tenure as the Secretary of the Ministry of Population and Environment when the ministry ushered in environment friendly clean technologies in an attempt to clean up the air pollution of Kathmandu city through the introduction of battery operated three wheelers for commuters, together with mandatory emission test certification for vehicles plying in the Kathmandu Valley.
  • During his tenure as the Secretary of Ministry of Information and Communication and the Chairperson of the Nepal Telecommunication Board, he was instrumental in introducing sweeping and innovative reforms in the country by introducing modern technologies in communication such as FM, Broadband and internet facilities including the cell-phone not only in the urban but also to the rural areas of Nepal in collaboration with the private sector.
  • As the Secretary of the Ministry of Water Resources, he developed a vision for the optimal development of the country’s abundant water resources by formulating twenty-five years strategy for hydropower development and Water Plan. He actively contributed for, translating the strategy into a plan of action.
  • The PPP scheme was advocated and promoted by Mr. Karki, which offered the private sector to construct new projects under public-private partnership to promote the private sectors’ participation in development of infrastructures in the country. He introduced the provision of offering 10% project share to the project affected general public.
  • As the Secretary of the Ministry of Health, he played an active role in formulating the Health Sector Reform Strategy for introducing comprehensive reforms at primary, secondary, tertiary and national level health service for ensuring essential health services as a fundamental right of the people. In his initiation, a grant support of about 90 million US dollar for the implementation of Health Sector Strategy was provided by World Bank and DFID.
  • He was instrumental in introducing Value Added Tax (VAT) in Nepal which has become a strong backbone of the internal revenue by surpassing custom duties from FY 2002/03 onward and now stands as the largest contributor to the state coffer. At the time of its introduction, there were only about two thousand taxpayers converted into VAT from the then sales tax regime, but by FY 2013/14, registration toll has significantly increased, registering a phenomenal annual average growth.
  • The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) for the efficient and effective management of customs operations was introduced and formalized in Nepal by his efforts during his placement as the Director General of Custom Department. Besides, he played instrumental role to internationalize and standardize the custom system of Nepal.
In recognition of his professionalism and dedication, he has been decorated by “Suprabal Gorkha Dakshin Bahu”.
He was awarded with the best Administrator’s title marking the Honor of the National Youth by International Youth Forum.
He has been selected as the Best Administrator 2013 by the public, in a public poll conducted by Kantipur National Daily Top Ten Figures.
Recently his works have been appreciated by the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013, published by Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, US.
Fulfilling the expectation of Nepalese citizen has always been his priorities and he believes that the rights of citizens can be best realized, poverty reduced and sustainable development achieved only in a corruption free society.