भिडियो हेर्न तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world; most people have never used a telephone, never mind a computer, the staple diet for most of the country is ‘dhal batt’ – rice and/or lentils with maybe some veg – every day, for life. The terrain is a mix of three altitude zones; the Himalayan mountains – the so called ‘roof of the world’, their foothills and valleys, and the southern plains with some rainforest. The Kathmandu valley is the centre of administration, commerce and what industry there is. The country is a mix of 70% Hindu and 20% Buddhist religions (Buddha was born in Lumbini in the south), 4% Muslims who are clustered around the border with India, plus a few more obscure sects. In the Kathmandu valley a synthesis of Hinduism and Buddhism is practiced by the Newars, while in the eastern and western hills, the oldest religious form, Shamanism, still survives. 80% of the population work in agriculture, an estimated 40% live in extreme poverty. Gross national income per head stands at US $240, according to the World Bank. Illiteracy is very high, though diminishing gradually; 35% of men, 70% of women.(1) The industrial working class is clustered around the Kathmandu valley and a few other urban areas; the unions claim several hundred thousand members but the figures are questionable; membership fluctuates considerably due to casualised employment and changing political loyalties. Many workers are non-unionised(2). There is a rigid caste system, but religion doesn’t appear to be significant in party politics, apart from the class/caste aspect. Slavery was officially abolished in the early 1900’s, though a form of neo-slavery continued well into the 1990’s in some more remote rural areas; family debts were inherited by the children and could never realistically be worked off as more debt was added, so were passed on in turn to the next generation as a form of indentured servitude. This is now outlawed, but indentured villagers are still occasionally discovered and rescued from such slavery. Yet these local archaic feudal remnants co-exist alongside a tourist industry that provides internet cafes with global satellite connections.
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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Build a business:This is the easiest way to earn your millions. We've heard stories of entrepreneurs who have made their fortunes many times over because of the business they've built. Building a business is fun and gives you maximum freedom if you do it the right way.However, I would stay away from multi-level marketing firms, unless you're a sales superstar. Building a successful business requires you to create and use your own template, not that of others. The better system you can devise, the further you can go. One of the keys to building a business is that you surround yourself around the right people and stay educated.You'll also have to break many habits that you've been taught while growing up. Besides the many hours you put into your business in the beginning, the payoff is substantial and you could earn your first million within three years, like I did. There are more options than ever to do this if you're willing to make it happen!Bonus: Or you can do all. If you can specialize in a trade and become a sales superstar as you build your business, you'll be able to do what only the greatest innovators have been able to do.

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