Do you need pillow while sleeping?

भिडियो हेर्न तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

We all needs pillow while sleeping. There are the techniques to use the pillows as well. Why shouldn’t we keep our pillow towards Northern direction?

Our parents doesn’t allow us to keep our pillow towards Northern direction. This is spiritual belief and most of the people doesn’t believe it but there are various scientific reason behind this fact.

Body is designed like this?
The heart of the people is situated at half up of the body. This is 1/3 of the body. It is hard to pump the blood in the upper part than the lower part. The artery which delivers the blood towards upper level is more maintained than downward. When this blood nerves reach to the brain it becomes as the size of hair which cannot take more blood and if even one drop of blood is pumped more than the nerves gets brust and it cause blood hemorrhage.

What happens when you keep the head towards north?
If you have any problem related blood than doctor suggest you to take iron tablets. This is one of the important elements of blood. Similarly in earth the magnet works a lot. Earth has its own magnetic power. When we sleep we feel the heart beat. When we sleep there will be the blood pump as well but when we sleep body will itself manage the blood flow. If you sleep at northern side than the magnet will give the pressure to brain due to which there will be more blood flow on brain.

If your age is increasing and the blood nerves are weak than you will have the risk of hemorrhage and stroke. You might suffer from stress as well. When you sleep there will be more blood flow. If you sleep facing to this direction always than there will arise the various problems. Problem depends upon your immunization power.
Eastern is the best direction to sleep. You can sleep northern eastern as well. Western is considered good and southern is good as well

5 problems due to pillow

1. Pores of the skin gets blocked
If the pillow is not cleaned for many days than various kinds of germs gets attached on it and this results our skin and the small pores of our skin gets blocked and there wont be proper supply of oxygen and due to this the acne, dandruff problem will rise.

2. Allergy
While making pillow various kinds of chemicals, bleach, colors are used which is very harmful for skin this also affects the follicles and various kinds of allergy rises.

3. Pimples and acne problem
There will be the various reason for this and one of this reason is pillow, the dirt on the pillow gets sticked to the skin and it increases the acne.

4. Hair fall
Due to pillow the hair is affected more, the dirt of the pillow gets stucked in the hair and the dandruff comes in the hair, the color fades away and hair fall also causes.

5. Wrinkles
The reason for wrinkles in small age is due to the pillow as well. The other chemicals and cosmetics might also affect it but with the company of stomach to the skin and pillow gets in touch and it affects the skin.
So to prevent from such problems you need to care your pillow. Nowadays we can find colorful pillow and you need to wash it time and again and dry it properly on a clean place.

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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

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Do you need pillow while sleeping? Do you need pillow while sleeping? Reviewed by Guru on 9:14 AM Rating: 5

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