A rumour has been spread out that the Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif has gone missing. Apparently all attempts to reach her or her manager have failed. And according to sources, she was recently busy searching for certain location in Maharashtra on Google maps.The news of this disappearance has spread like wildfire among friends and well-wishers in the industry with speculations being rife regarding her whereabouts. Several theories have started doing the rounds through social media and WhatsApp as people try and put two and two together.Born in Hong Kong, Kaif and her family lived in several countries before she moved to India. She received her first modelling assignment as a teenager and later pursued a career as a fashion model. During a London show filmmaker Kaizad Gustad cast her in Boom (2003), a critical and commercial failure. While filming in India, Kaif received modelling assignments and established a successful modelling career.
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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस
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Katrina Kaif Smashing Performance at IPL 2016 Opening Ceremony
Reviewed by Guru
9:04 PM
Rating: 5
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