ं#गन दǓुनया भǓननेकला #ेğका åयिÈतहǽ पǓन यǓतखेर होलȣको रंगमा रं#गएका छन्। फागु
पͨूणम[ाको अवसरमा चलेका, बलेका र उदाउँदैगरेका कलाकारहǽ भेला भएर काठमाडɊ उप×यकामा
होलȣ मनाएका छन।्कलाकारलेपǓन सबस[ाधारणलेझ#रंɨग लगाई#दएर तथा नाचगान गरेर होलȣ
मनाए। कǓतपय कलाकार त रंɨग लगाएर आफँैपǓन न#चǓननेभएका #थए। नाǓयका कǐरèमा
मान#धरलेत अǽ पव[भ#दा होलȣ Ǔनकैमह×वका माि#छन्रे। हुन पǓन Įीमान ͪवनोद
मान#धरको ज#म #दन तथा होलȣ सँगैपरेकालेपǓन नाǓयका कǐरèमाको होलȣ ͪवशषेबनेको
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Woman feeds her
breast to a helpless
puppy The little
puppy was lying on
the side of the road
and it looked very
A compilation of awful
attacks of wild animals
on people In this
regard, the animals
who have tried to
attack on the people
Lion shows his love
for a woman who
saved him He was
so excited and he
went near to her and
hugged her. He was
Thief shot in head
while holding
undercover cop at
gun point. The
policeman was stood
in a queue in a bank
Chinese driver saved
many lives from a
burning truck. The
brave man despite of
being in such a hard
situation he didnot
Three years old
toddler is seen
smoking cigarette.
The moments a little
boy being made to
smoke a cigarette as
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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस
Build a business:This is the easiest way to earn your millions. We've heard stories of entrepreneurs who have made their fortunes many times over because of the business they've built. Building a business is fun and gives you maximum freedom if you do it the right way.However, I would stay away from multi-level marketing firms, unless you're a sales superstar. Building a successful business requires you to create and use your own template, not that of others. The better system you can devise, the further you can go. One of the keys to building a business is that you surround yourself around the right people and stay educated.You'll also have to break many habits that you've been taught while growing up. Besides the many hours you put into your business in the beginning, the payoff is substantial and you could earn your first million within three years, like I did. There are more options than ever to do this if you're willing to make it happen!Bonus: Or you can do all. If you can specialize in a trade and become a sales superstar as you build your business, you'll be able to do what only the greatest innovators have been able to do.
Kalakar K Pani Holi
Reviewed by Guru
11:00 PM
Rating: 5
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