In light of the ongoing court case involving the Cricket Association of Nepal

भिडियो हेर्न तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

In light of the ongoing court case involving the Cricket Association of Nepal  

Prime News: ICC suspends membership of Cricket Association of Nepal

In light of the ongoing court case involving the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) and the Ad hoc Committee established by the Nepalese National Sports Council (NSC), which has led to a vacuum of cricket leadership in Nepal, the Board suspended the Membership of CAN for breach of Article 2.9 of the ICC’s Articles of Association, which prohibits government interference and requires free and fair elections. The suspension means that CAN will not be entitled to receive any ICC funding. However, the Board, in its absolute discretion and considering that the players should not suffer due to this suspension, decided that the Nepal cricket teams would be able to continue to feature in ICC events. ICC management will also now work with the Nepalese cricket community, and other stakeholders, in order to assist with the development of a sustainable governance and administration structure for cricket in Nepal. The Board maintained that it doesn’t accept government interference in the affairs of its Members as it wants all its Members to work independently with the best intentions of promoting and developing the game in their respective territories in accordance with the ICC’s objectives and strategy. It added that until such time as the CAN becomes free of government interference and is properly structured to begin exploiting the tremendous cricket talent and opportunities that exist in Nepal, the membership of CAN will remain suspended.Source :

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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

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In light of the ongoing court case involving the Cricket Association of Nepal In light of the ongoing court case involving the Cricket Association of Nepal Reviewed by Guru on 10:22 PM Rating: 5

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