A leopard has strayed into a residential house located near Ganeshthan temple of Kuleshwor, Kathmandu on Wednesday morning. The leopard is said to be hiding inside the compound of the house located at Kathmandu municipality-14 , where family of Chhetra Bahadur Shrestha, the house owner is very panicked. Nepal Police , officials and veterinarians from Central Zoo have reached Kuleshwor to take the beast under control. Under the command of Police Inspector, Deepak Khadka, a team of policemen have also been deployed at the location. "We are looking forward to tranquilizing the leopard so as to take it under control," Inspector Khadka told Republica online. "We are trying to take the situation under control." Before this, two leopards were spotted in Kirtipur and Baneshwor residential area as well.myrepublica
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