MA first year exams published

भिडियो हेर्न तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Good advice to new students from the student counsellors:

At the moment you are probably anxious to get started with your education. Naturally, now is not the time to think about the things which could go wrong.

However, it is very important and it is your own responsibility that you are familiar with the rules and regulations of the Danish university system so you will not get into any kind of trouble. But in order to help you we would like to emphasize some of the first rules that you have to pay attention to.

There are special exam rules on your first year of the bachelor programme.

In the BSc-programme it concerns all exams on your first and second semester.
In short terms the rules can be described as follows:
  • you have to pass the exams no later than 2 years after your admission
You do not have to pass the exams the first time, but you have to be signed up for them. This happens automatically. If you do not pass – or do not participate – you have used the first of your 3 exam attempts in the given exam. You will automatically be signed up for the re-exam in the exams that you did not pass in the first attempt.
If you have good reasons not to be signed up for the exams on your first year – e.g. illness documented by a doctor can be such a reason – you can get an exemption. But e.g. a planned skiing holiday is not a good reason!

If you have to re-take one or more of the first year exams

If you after 1 year in the study programme still have not passed your first year exams, you have only one year left in which to pass them. Many students get so involved with the interesting second year courses that they "forget" the first year exams. It sounds strange but the fact is that it happens to students every year! Even if you pass all courses in the second year with good grades you will be expelled from the program if you miss just one small exam from the first year.
If you have to re-take first year exams in your second year it is a good idea to consider taking the relevant courses again. You can be signed up for the courses by contacting the Study Service Tåsingegade 3, Building 1443, room 021.

If you discontinue your programme before having passed the first year exams

The rules and deadlines concerning the first year exams count from the first time you are admitted to the programme. That means that if you discontinue you enrollment before having passed these exams you lose the possibility of following the rules. As a consequence you are prevented from applying for admission to the same programme at a later time. You can only get an exemption from these rules if your conditions for studying are significantly changed or the content of the programme is substantially different from when you were last admitted.

If you discontinue your program early in the fall and get a confirmation stating that you have indeed discontinued early, you may be able to admitted to the programme again. This means; if you decide to discontinue your program, then come and tell us early. Do not just stay away!

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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

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MA first year exams published MA first year exams published Reviewed by Guru on 7:14 PM Rating: 5

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