“Sakas”, social awareness video

भिडियो हेर्न तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Nepali video presented by Help for Human about the life of family where father is not responsible and d@ru$nk all the time. The title of this video is ‘Sakas’ is is about the story of selling a daughter by father for taking alc@o#@
In the video, a man about 45 years old is drinking alc0#@l. He have long hair and breed. At same time, some from back h#$it his head by a rod. He fall down with lots of bl00@d and suddenly his life stop. While in second scene, there are four people and among them an adult lady and a old man are daughter and father while other two are girl tra@f^fickers. They purchase that adult with money and pick her for their purpose.
After sale daughter, he return back at home and start b@ea%ting his wife. These all situation are watched by his son. Son unable to control himself and b@%eat his father by rod and his father di!ed suddenly. This video give the message to viewers about there was a small and happy family in previous days. After father of the family starts to drink, their happiness turned into sadness and anger. Due to this, that family de$troyed and happiness never came back in that family. Therefore, all are liable and responsible for making happy family.

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तल को बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

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“Sakas”, social awareness video “Sakas”, social awareness video Reviewed by Guru on 10:06 AM Rating: 5

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